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julio 05, 2013

Més reflexions sobre biblioteques i món digital.

En la línea del nostre darrer post reproduïm un article de la Rebeca Morris aparegut al seu School library monthly blog on recull una altra aportació que qualifica les biblioteques escolars com la connexió humana entre els recursos digitals i l’èxit acadèmic
"Elisabeth Abarbanel (Brentwood School, CA), Sarah Davis (Viewpoint School, CA), Dorcas Hand (Annunciation Orthodox School, TX), and Matthew Wittmer (Buckley School, CA) write in the Summer issue of Independent School Magazine (from the National Association of Independent Schools) an article entitled, “The New School Library: The Human Connection to Digital Resources and Academic Success.”
With examples from school libraries and research studies, the article establishes libraries as essential to learning across school settings (not only in independent schools).  The entire piece is well worth reading and sharing.  Here are a few highlights!
On beliefs that the school library is an outdated resource, and a good target for budget cuts:
“. . . good schools know that libraries and professional librarians are still essential to their missions. Maybe more essential than ever, if excellence in education remains the goal.”
On the central role of the school library in student learning:
“A well-supported school library is at the heart of student academic growth and integral to academic success. In short, they leverage the mission of the school.”
I also really liked the chart on “What’s Hot and What’s Not” for technology in school libraries.  Here’s a sample:
“What’s Hot What’s Not
Offering collaborative workspaces for students and noise-cancelling headphones for those who want silence. Shushing students all day.”
Regarding the infamous shushing, the writers assert that the “intellectual hum” is the new quiet. Yes!
Hat tip to Dorcas Hand, my fellow AASL Adovcacy Committee member, for sharing this article on the AASL Forum!  Thank you for your valuable insights in writing this piece and for sharing it with us."
–Rebecca Morris

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